All jQuery UI 1.90

How to change jQuery UI Tooltip font style

When you download jQuery UI, all the widgets comes with predefined theme or style. But sometimes, it is required to override or change default font style to match up with your current webpage style or css. For example, assume that all the controls on your page are having font-size of "8pt" and jQuery UI tooltip […]
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Show and Hide jQuery UI Tooltip with Animation

jQuery UI 1.90 library tooltip is an awesome widget. By default, the jQuery UI Tooltip is displayed without any animation. But do you know that you can animate the tooltip while showing and on hiding? Yes, It's Possible. In this post, You will see that how that can be done. Related Post: Create Tooltip using […]
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Move jQuery UI Tooltip with mouse

In my previous post, I had explained how to "create Tooltip using jQuery UI library". By Default, the tooltip appears next to the element and it doesn't move. Today, I will show you how can you make jQuery UI Tooltip follow the mouse. In short, the tooltip will move with the mouse. jQuery UI Tooltip […]
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Create Tooltip using jQuery UI library

I had already posted that jQuery UI 1.90 is released and there are some widgets which are introduced with jQuery UI 1.90. One of the new widget is Tooltip. In this post, you will learn how to create tooltip using jQuery UI library. Related Post: Tutorial for creating stylized tooltip using jQuery Before we begin […]
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