All jQuery Methods

How to use jQuery slideToggle function

In this post, I will show you how can you toggle any element based on any event. For example, on click of any button you want to show/hide any div element. You can easily achieve this by setting css of the div. I will show you how you can achieve it using jQuery without setting […]
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How to set HTML of any control using jQuery

In my previous post "How to get HTML of any control using jQuery", I had explained that how can we get the HTML of any control. In this post, I will show you how can you set HTML for any control. Well, we will use the same function html() using which we get the HTML. […]
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How to get HTML of any control using jQuery

In this post, we will see that how we can get the HTML part or I should say innerHTML of any control. Well, jQuery provides a function "html()" which will give the html of the control. For example, I have placed a div control on the page which has h1 and h2 tag. <div id="dvExample"> […]
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Find nth:child element in its parent using jQuery

jQuery API provides a selector ":nth-child" which allows to select particular child element from its parent. For example, if you want to select 2nd li element from the ul tag. See below code. <ul> <li>jQuery</li> <li>By</li> <li>Example</li> </ul> This code will find the 1st li element and makes it forecolor to "Red". For 2nd li […]
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jQuery bind method Example/Demo

jQuery provides a method called bind() which binds any event types to any element. Let's say you want to bind a click event to a tag. <a>Link 1</a> Below jQuery code binds the click event to all the anchor tag of the page. $(document).ready(function() { $("a").bind('click', function() { alert('I am clicked'); }); }); So the […]
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Using trim() function in jQuery

jQuery also have trim function like javascript trim, which removes spaces from starting and from end of the string. See below code. <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ var str = " I Love jQuery "; str = jQuery.trim(str); alert(str); }); </script> Output of this would be "I Love jQuery". trim function only removes spaces from starting and […]
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