All jQuery For Beginners

jQuery Mobile | 10 Easy Steps to Getting Started!

Now days smartphones and tablets are becoming popular and can be found all over the place today, the need for mobile version of the website is rises greatly. There are many mobile framework available in market but one of the most popular framework is jQuery Mobile framework. jQuery Mobile is a touch-optimized web framework for […]
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CSS Class, Attribute, Property and jQuery

In this short post, I will show you how to add/remove attributes or properties to DOM elements and how to add/remove CSS classes from DOM elements using jQuery. Also, how attribute and properties are different in jQuery. Before jQuery 1.6 there was no concept of property. Everything was treated as attributes. But now you must […]
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Check if radio button is checked or selected using jQuery

Yesterday I need to find out if radio button is checked/selected or not using jQuery. I was knowing one way to find out but there are couple of other ways as well to find out if radio button is checked using jQuery. In this post, you will find all different possible ways. 1. First Way: […]
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What is Chaining in jQuery?

You may have come across a term "Chaining" in jQuery. But do you know what is Chaining in jQuery? There is no specific definition available for this term in jQuery but it is also not different from the general meaning of Chain. In general term Chain is, "A connected flexible series of metal links used […]
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jQuery selectors code snippets demo

Selector is the most basic things in jQuery. Their use is very simple and straight and correct use of selectors can enhance the efficiency of writing jQuery code. I have put together some of the common selectors which are pretty common. ID Selector $(document).ready(function () { $('#dvDummy').css('background', '#000000'); }); Class Selector $(document).ready(function () { $('.class1').css('background', […]
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How to clear textbox value using jQuery

In this short post, I will show you simple jQuery code to clear textbox value. The reason for writing this post is because I have seen many beginner programmers using val() == '', which is wrong as val() is a method that takes argument. It is not a property or attribute. You can call this […]
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