All Facebook

How to Integrate Facebook Login To Your Web App using jQuery

Adding a Login with Facebook option to your web app is a pain! The process requires multiple requests to the Facebook API, and usually results in a messy callback soup that you get stuck managing. A typical Facebook login flow usually requires the following sequence: window.fbAsyncInit FB.init FB.login FB.api(/me) You may also like: Facebook […]
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7 Free and Must jQuery Plugins/Tutorials for Developers

Today, we have collected amazing 7 Free and Must jQuery Plugins/Tutorials for every Developer that you can download for free and use for your next projects. These tutorials covers features like Facebook like registration, Sign in with Google, implementing Site search with Google and others. So browser through these amazing tutorials and give them a […]
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5 jQuery Plugins for like Facebook effects

Facebook has become an part of our lives and these days facebook like effects are very popular and eye catching. Today I have put together list of jQuery plugin which allows to create facebook like effects. Facebook-like Registration Facebook is a showcase of great UI design. And as it has become a major part of […]
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