All Error Handling

Different ways of handling errors in jQuery.ajax

While using jQuery ajax, one needs to be very careful while handling errors as there are chances that your ajax request gets failed for any reason like server didn't respond, database error or any server side exception. So it is best practice to always handle errors while using jQuery.ajax(). To handle errors, there are 3 […]
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10+ Free/Paid Tools for Cross-Browser Testing

For a developer code not working is a daily battle, same way cross browser testing is a challenge for a software tester. Since there is no standard method followed by the browsers for rendering websites and handling of JavaScript and CSS which in turn leads to defective functionality and tons of errors. Read Error/Exception handling […]
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Error/Exception handling in jQuery

Your code is not working is a Daily Battle which I think we all deal with. But that's the best way to learn and become expert. You may read many books on technologies but you can't remember everything. But practical exposure and solving different error will always stay in your mind. So in this post, […]
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