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jQuery, ASP.NET Client ID and External JS File

To find any ASP.NET Control in jQuery, we use Client ID property to get the correct ID of the rendered control. For example, to find an ASP.NET textbox with ID "txtName", a familiar jQuery syntax is, $('<%= txtName.ClientID %>').focus( //Blah Blah); If you are writing this above code directly in your .aspx page, then your […]
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jQuery code not working – A Daily Battle

Developers life is full of various code battles and "jQuery is not working" or "jQuery code is not working" is a just another daily battle which they have to fight against while working with jQuery. The message "jQuery is not working" itself defines its pain saying "Oh!!! there is something buggy in your code and […]
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jQuery not found error

Source Map is a pretty useful and handy feature in terms of debugging on production servers. And if you are using jQuery 1.9+ Version then you may encounter the 404 not found error "jQuery not found". For example, if you are using jQuery 2.0.2 version then you may get "" not found error . […]
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5 Reasons of jQuery – $ is not defined error

"jQuery is not defined" or "$ is not defined" is a very common error that you may face while working with jQuery or if you have started learning jQuery. The error message "jQuery is not defined" clearly says that it can't find the jQuery and you are trying to access jQuery's power. So in this […]
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Various reasons and solutions of jQuery is not defined error

"jQuery is not defined" or "$ is not defined" is a very common error that you may face while working with jQuery or if you have started learning jQuery. The error message "jQuery is not defined" clearly says that it can't find the jQuery and you are trying to access jQuery's power. So in this […]
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