All Date Picker

Show only Month and Year in only one jQuery UI DatePicker in case of Multiple DatePicker

In one of my previous post, I had posted about Show only Month and Year in jQuery UI DatePicker, but there was an issue with the code explained in that particular post. The issue was that it was applicable for all the datepickers present on the page and it is quite possible to have such […]
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Hide/ Disable Dates in jQuery UI Datepicker

In this post, find jQuery code to hide or disable specific dates in jQuery UI Datepicker. This is small but useful features. Consider a scenario, where hide all the dates for public holidays or workplace is closed. Related Post: Disable specific days in jQuery Datepicker Disable Weekends in jQuery DatePicker Enable only weekends in jQuery […]
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Few Interesting things with jQuery UI DatePicker setDate()

Earlier today, I posted about "How to Set Current Date in jQuery UI Datepicker" using setDate() method provided by jQuery UI Datepicker library. But there are few interesting things which you can also do with setDate() method which you might not be knowing. setDate() method takes 'date' as argument but this argument either can be […]
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Show only Month and Year in jQuery UI DatePicker

jQuery UI Datepicker is a great control. The default behavior of the control shows dates along with Month and Year. But today for my requirement, I need to show only Month and Year as dropdown (with no dates). So when datepicker control is opened there should be only Month and Year dropdown. This was a […]
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How to display ToolTip on jQuery UI Datepicker for specific dates

I had already posted about how to "Highlight Specific Dates in jQuery UI Datepicker". Yesterday one of my blog reader asked me that how to show any description or tool tip on the highlighted date in jQuery UI Datepicker.Would it be possible? I provided him the solution and thought of sharing with you as well. […]
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Highlight Specific Dates in jQuery UI DatePicker

Yesterday for one of my requirement, I need to show all the public holiday dates as highlighted in jQuery UI Datepicker so the user will come to know that this is a holiday. So I have implemented the solution and sharing with you. This might be useful for you when you want highlight specific date. […]
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