10 Facebook Style jQuery Plugins

In this post, find a compiled list of 10 Facebook style jQuery plugins which are easy to integrate and allows you to imitate Facebook functionalities like Facebook like button, emoticons, infinite scroll, get photos and albums, create Facebook-like photos and many other things.

1. FaceMocion


FaceMocion is a plugin to create Facebook emoticons with jQuery and CSS. It allows you to turn any text input emoticons on the page into cute little smiling faces.

2. Facebook-like Infinite Scroll Using jQuery

Facebook Like Infinite Scroll Using jQuery

In this tutorial find out how to implement Facebook like Infinite Scroll using jQuery Ajax PHP and MySQL. Here Ajax requests are made to server if the user wants to see more data.

3. jqGifPreview


jqGifPreview is a jQuery GIF player plugin for adding a play control over the GIF preview image that allows the visitors to play the animated GIF manually.

4. Fancylike


Fancylike is a tiny jQuery plugin that allows you to create a custom Facebook like button using your own image. The plugin can automatically detect current page URL to like or use a given URL setting in the JavaScript to like.

5. FBPhotoBox


FBPhotoBox is a jQuery plugin for creating a Facebook-like image/photo viewer that features an image gallery on the left and content area on the right.

6. Facebook Helper

Facebook Helper

This is a simple jQuery plugin that helps you add the Facebook JavaScript SDK to your site asynchronously. It also allows you to use jQuery events to run code before and after the Facebook's code is initialized.

7. fbPhotoStream


fbPhotoStream is a simple, light-weight jQuery plugin that allows you to display Facebook photos from a public album. Just set the album id, and the rest is optional.



JQ.LiveLike is a live Facebook Like Counter that makes your website more interactive. It's easy to setup, has CSS3 transition, stores data on the client with local storage and comes with various theme option to choose from.

9. iBacor


iBacor Facebook Streaming is a jQuery plugin to display your Facebook pages' or groups' streams (posts, photos, comments, likes) on your website.

10. Facebook Album Browser

Facebook Album Browser

Facebook Album Browser is a jQuery plugin that retrieves albums and photos from any Facebook account and displays them as a photo gallery on your website. Click on the cover image to browser all the photos under the album.


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