Archive for June, 2017

How to Dynamically Trim Text Using jQuery

This easy beginners jQuery tutorial demonstrates how you can use jQuery to trim the text length of an HTML element based on how many characters you wish to be viewable by the user. With this straightforward and simple code snippet, you'll be able to trim your text and then add an ellipses (...) to the place […]
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jQuery Snippets: Scroll to Top

This simple and straightforward jQuery code snippet can be used to easily create a "scroll to top" effect on any of your pages or projects. If you've not familiar with the scroll to top concept, it basically involves a link or button of some sort that is typically placed in the bottom corner of a […]
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Using jQuery to Delete All Inline HTML Styling

Inline HTML styling (when the style attributes for a particular element are written within the HTML tag) is not something that's considered a best practice when it comes to HTML and CSS, and it's becoming less and less common. You don't often come across inline styling unless a site's code hasn't been touched since the […]
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jQuery Snippets: Getting the Current Year

Here's a fun, simple, and incredibly useful jQuery that you can probably use on just about every single one of your projects. This snippet uses jQuery to grab the current year and display it wherever you'd like within your webpage. This is a great chunk of code to have on hand. One particularly good use […]
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3 Really Fun jQuery Plugins

Sometimes, web developers just wanna have fun. If you can relate to this, then you'll probably love this list we put together of 3 of our favorite super fun jQuery plugins that you can add to your projects. They may not be the most useful or practical plugins around, but they sure are fun to […]
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How to Use jQuery to Dynamically Open Links in New Tabs

Even if you're a new or beginning developer, you probably know that you can easily make links open in new tabs by using the target attribute with your anchor tags. To make a link open in a new tab, all it takes is to make your HTML look like this: <a href="/link/" target="_blank"></a> The target="_blank" […]
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