Archive for October, 2016

jQuery’s .remove() Method

Ever wanted to remove an HTML element from your code dynamically? There are many situations in which being able to do this easily would be useful, and with jQuery, it's completely doable using the .remove() method. Here's how it works. Let's say you want to remove a div (.bye) when it's clicked on. The following […]
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8 Handy jQuery Code Snippets For Your Next Project

Here are 8 handy jQuery code snippets for your next project. These jQuery code snippets are super handy and can make your life easy for handling small things efficiently. These snippets allow you to handle css, jQuery animations, deal with input boxes and calculate the page load time. 1. Remove all inline styles using jQuery […]
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jQuery: Showing/Hiding HTML Elements Based on Scroll Position

Showing/hiding any HTML DOM element is a common scenario based on various business requirements. Since the time of SPA (single page application) is evolved, you will find that on scroll position of browser, new elements are shown and previous elements are hidden. There are tons of jQuery plugins available which can show/hide any HTML element […]
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Show Image Preview for External Images Using jQuery

You must have seen on many websites that as soon as you enter any image URL, the image preview is displayed on the screen. This is a very good idea to let your user know exactly which image they are referring to. This can be easily done via jQuery. In this post, let’s find out […]
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Change Page Title on Focus Out Using jQuery

It is a good idea to change the page title to something catchy when the user moves to a different tab to catch his attention. This can help to get the user to come back your website. So in this post, let’s find out how to change the title of the page when user moves […]
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Top Tips for Optimizing Your jQuery Selectors

When your jQuery runs slow as a result of poorly organized or clunky code, it can really negatively affect your users' experience. One easy way to optimize your jQuery and to help avoid slow-running code is to make sure that the selectors are constructed as well as they possibly can be. To make sure your […]
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