Quick Tip: Use jQuery to Clone Objects

There's a really handy .clone() method in jQuery that allows you to copy an HTML element dynamically using a script. This method comes in handy when you want to clone an element after a certain trigger event, like .click() or .hover(). Using the .clone() method is pretty straightforward. Here's what you would need to do to clone a div with the class .thediv:

var clone = $('div').clone();

The above code will easily clone any HTML element, but if you want to clone a JavaScript object, you'll need to use different code like in the example below:

var clonedObject = jQuery.extend({}, originalObject);

To use this code to, for example, clone a div after it's been clicked and then insert the cloned div below the original div, you can use the following code snippet as a guideline:

$("div").click(function () {

Play around with the .clone() method to see what you can accomplish with it and discover all the different ways you can use it in your projects.

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