13 jQuery Push Menu Plugins

Push menu is a design concept where a menu (initially hidden) appears either from left to right or from right to left. And in that process it pushes the main content. It works great for mobile devices but it also works quite well on desktops, as it gives enough space for your main content. So here is a list of free jQuery Push Menu plugins to create push menus. These plugins are lightweight, provide smooth animations, and supports all major browsers and CSS3.

1. Multi-level push menu

Multi-level push menu

Multi-level push menu is a cross-browser compatible jQuery plug-in allowing endless nesting of navigation elements. It comes with a lot of customization.

2. SwipeNav


SwipeNav is a mobile-friendly jQuery plugin which opens an off-screen push menu with swipe event or by clicking on the hamburger toggle button.

3. pushMenu


pushMenu is a jQuery plugin used to create multilevel push menu. Menu will push the content from left to right and also adds an overlay covering the main content to get user attention on menu.

4. Sidemenu


Sidemenu is a lightweight jQuery plugin to create mobile-friendly push menu that slides out from the left or right hand side of your screen.

5. Trunk.js


Trunk.js is a cross-platform, touch-enabled jQuery responsive menu plugin which automatically converts a regular horizontal navigation bar into to a mobile app-style menu depending on the viewport size.

6. Simple SideBar

Simple SideBar

Simple SideBar is a jQuery plugin that allows to create a side navigation as in modern mobile apps. It aims to simplicity so that everybody can use it no matter if expert programmers or not.

7. SecretNav


SecretNav is a small jQuery push menu plugin that slides out an off-canvas navigation from the edge of the screen while pushing the main content away with a fancy CSS3 powered 3D perspective effect.

8. Slidebars


Slidebars is a jQuery plugin for quickly and easily implementing app-style revealing, overlaying, push menus and sidebars into your website.

9. offCanvas


This plugin provides an easy way to put content outside of the canvas and reveal it with a click on a button or any desired element. This is a useful pattern for mobile navigations and more.

10. Pushy


Pushy is a responsive off-canvas navigation menu using CSS transforms & transitions. It uses CSS transforms & transitions and provides smooth performance on mobile devices.

11. Navobile


Navobile is a jQuery plugin that makes mobile navigation easy. Navobile uses CSS to apply CSS3 translations, mobile device detection and fixing the position of nav.

12. jQuery CSS Menu

jQuery CSS Menu

This is a simple jQuery plugin which creates mobile-friendly navigation that toggles a vertical off-screen menu while push the main content from left to right.

13. jQuery Push Menu

jQuery PushMenu

Push Menu is a lightweight jQuery plugin used to create an Android style navigation drawer (also known as off-canvas menu) that slides in from the left side of the webpage.

Responsive Menu
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