10 jQuery Plugins for EU Cookie Law Notification Popup

These days almost all the websites are using cookies to store information in your browser. And as per the EU cookie law, it is advisable to let your user know that your website is creating cookie. In this post, find a complied list of 10 lightweight and customizable jQuery plugins to display cookie law notification. These plugins allows you to display notification on top of the page or on bottom of the page.

herbyCookie is a simple, customizable jQuery plugin that displays an animated EU cookie disclaimer bar at the bottom of the web page and stores the 'Accept' state in the local storage using HTML5 web storage API.

A jQuery based EU Cookie Law Notification Plug-in for alerting the users about the use of cookies on your website that help you comply with the EU Cookie Law.

Qookies is a jQuery plugin that displays your cookies disclaimer in a popup window to make your website comply with the EU cookie law.

Cookie Disclaimer is a lightweight jQuery plugin which loads a disclaimer bar where you can show some custom text and buttons. You can choose style, buttons classes and id, cookie expire time, cookie name and more. This plugin provide also some useful methods and ready to use buttons for several uses.
CookieBanner is a jQuery plugin that displays customizable and dismissible EU Cookie Law Notice on your web page.

Cookies Message is a really simple and fully customizable jQuery plugin to easily show the EU Cookies Law banner on the website. It is responsive and supports custom cookie expire time to remember the user's choice.
An easy-to-install jQuery plugin to create EU Cookie Law popups. It supports multiple layouts out of the box. Works well with Bootstrap 3. Easy to customize markup and CSS.

Divas Cookies is EU Cookie Policy Banner generator as a jQuery plugin. The quickest and most elegant solution to be compliant with EU Cookie Policy. Easily and fully customizable to get the look & feel of any website.

cookieBar is a simple, lightweight jQuery plugin for creating a notification bar that is dismissible, and  the dismiss is saved by cookie. Perfect for implementing the new EU cookie law!
CookieCuttr is a tailorable jQuery plugin to deal with the EU Cookie Law.

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