10 jQuery Credit Card Form Plugins

In this post, find a compiled list of 10 jQuery credit card form plugins which are useful for any ecommerce website. Using these plugins, one can easily format credit card information, validate credit card information and detect card type.

1. cardCheck


Cardcheck.js is a very small jQuery plugin for e-commerce websites that validates the credit card numbers as well as telling you the detected credit card type.

2. Credit Card Formatter

Credit Card Formatter

Credit Card Formatter is a very small jQuery plugin for a credit card input that formats numbers and tells you the detected credit card type.

3. Card


Card will take any credit card form and make it the best part of the checkout process. Everything is created with pure CSS, HTML, and Javascript.

4. Skeuocard


Skeuocard is a re-think of the way we handle credit card input on the web. It progressively enhances credit card input forms so that the card inputs become skeuomorphic, facilitating accurate and fast card entry, and removing barriers to purchase.

5. Creditly.js


Creditly.js gives you everything you need in order to create a sleek, intuitive credit card form. Just copy the html, CSS, and JavaScript to get an intuitive credit card form in seconds. You get credit card validation for free!

6. Payfield


Payfield is a jQuery plugin to build an animated credit card input that allows the visitor to enter the credit or debit card information (number, expiration date and CVV) easily and quickly.

7. jQuery Payment

jQuery Payment

jQuery Payment is a useful and simple jQuery plugin for E-commerce websites to format and validate credit card form input field.

8. Credit


Credit.js is a super simple jQuery plugin to create an input mask for credit card that only accepts 16 credit card numbers. Specially designed for E-commerce or business websites.

9. Credit Card Validator 

Credit Card Validator

jQuery Credit Card Validator detects and validates credit card numbers. It’ll tell you the detected credit card type and whether the number length and Luhn checksum are valid for the type of card.

10. Smart Validate

Credit Card Validator

Smart Validate is a jQuery credit card validation plugin, that makes credit card format validation a simple task. It ensures that user has entered valid credit card number before making actual transaction.

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