10 jQuery Plugins with Google Material Design

Google’s material design is becoming
popular due to better user experience, eye catching animations and its
simplicity. In this post, find a complied list of jQuery plugins which have
created material design effects. These plugins provides material design effects
to progress bar, buttons, charts, timer, stopwatch, notifications and input

1.     Material PreLoader
Material Preloader is a
jQuery plugin that recreates the Material Design preloader (as seen on Google inbox).

2.     Material Design Stopwatch, Alarm and Timer
A small JavaScript
application that conforms to Google’s material design guidelines. It consists
of three parts – an alarm clock, a stopwatch and a timer. The application is
responsive and has a bunch of subtle animations that react to user input.
SnackbarJS is a lightweight and
jQuery powered plugin to create Material Design snackbars and toasts with ease.
It made to work in Bootstrap style, just like the Bootstrap tooltips work.
4.     MProgress.js

MProgress.js is a Google
Material Design Progress linear bar by using CSS3 and pure JavaScript.
A jQuery plugin used to
create a Google Material Design inspired loading spinner using SVG and CSS3
6.     Material Design Styled Pie Menu
A Google Material Design
styled pie menu for navigation in webpage. It opens a sub-menu when clicked or
tapped, built with jQuery and CSS3 transitions & transforms.
7.     legitRipple.js
A lightweight, CSS based
jQuery plugin for material-design ripple effects.
8.     ToggleSwitch
Simple ToggleSwitch Jquery
plugin with Material design style.
9.     Material Charts
Material Charts is a
lightweight jQuery plugin helps you create nice, clean, Material Design styled
charts / diagrams with plain html, CSS and JavaScript.
 Google Material hamburger button
Google material designed
hamburger button created using jQuery and CSS 3.

Responsive Menu
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