The Right Web Developer Portfolio jQuery Plugins

Any good
web developer or designer has a web presence of their own and whether you are applying for a full time position or a freelance gig, having an impressive website can close the deal. One important aspect is making sure the design of the site is up to presence web standards.  And that means taking advantage of some off the shelf jQuery that can enhance things.

Make your portfolio
site stand out with these cool jQuery plugins.


Arctext is
a fun little plugin that allows you to curve a line of text using jQuery. You
can customize both the radius and the direction of the curve, and even animate
the curve effect.


development or design portfolio needs a good looking gallery. CollagePlus
arranges your images in a clean grid within a container. There are several
different options for customizing image hover and load effects.


Arctext is a fun little plugin that allows you to curve a line of text using jQuery. You can customize both the radius and the direction of the curve, and even animate the curve effect.

Adipoli 2.0 

Arctext is a fun little plugin that allows you to curve a line of text using jQuery. You can customize both the radius and the direction of the curve, and even animate the curve effect.


Arctext is a fun little plugin that allows you to curve a line of text using jQuery. You can customize both the radius and the direction of the curve, and even animate the curve effect.

Responsive Menu
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