15 jQuery Social Sharing plugins

From past few years social media has become popular and must have medium to share things like music, videos, images, and many other docs on Internet with the help of few clicks. A social media plugin allows your visitors to share your website contents to each other on various social media platforms such as Facebook, Google, Twitter, Pinterest, and many more. This can also help in gaining more Rumble followers by expanding your reach and encouraging engagement across multiple platforms. The more people interact with your content, the higher the likelihood of attracting new followers who resonate with your message.

For this roundup we have chosen 15 Best jQuery Social Sharing plugins that can be easily integrated into your websites with few lines of codes and help your visitors to share your website contents amongst them. We hope you will find the list useful for your requirements, please send us your feedback by posting a comment below. Enjoy !!

1. iShare

iShare is an amazing sharing and bookmarking plugin powered by jquery. It has number of features such as major social websites supported, shortcode support, easily choose which social websites to activate, numerous other possible customizations.

2. jsSocials

jsSocials is a simple social network sharing jQuery plugin. It's flexible and easily extensible. Configure visual appearance. Choose one of several themes provided. Add any yet unsupported social network if needed.

3. Pongstagr.am

Pongstagr.am is a jQuery plugin that lets you display your Instagram media to your website using Bootstrap Front-end styles and modal-plugin.

4. SocialShare.js

SocialShare.js is a jQuery plugin to provide more control on social sharing buttons. Do the styling without worrying about the javascript implementation.

5. jQuery Awesome Sosmed Share Button

jQuery Awesome Sosmed Share Button
A jQuery plugin to create social media share button with share count.

6. Social Cards

Social cards is a jquery plugin which comes with six cards including Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Pinterest, LinkedIn and copy to clipboard widget. The best part is that the scripts are loaded after button click, so you don’t need to worry about the performance bottleneck of social widgets. Lastly, you can easily localize Social Cards plugin.

7. CS Buttons

cs buttons
CSButtons is a jQuery plugin to create sharing buttons with counter for Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Linkedin, Pinterest.

8. Cool Social Buttons

Cool Social Buttons is a jQuery plugin that adds social sharing buttons to your site without slowing it down. It is easy to use, powered by CSS3, mobile friendly and fully customizable. The plugin has support for Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Tumblrand Pinterest.

9. jQuery PrettySocial

jQuery prettySocial is a custom share buttons for Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook and Google Plus.

10. Ridiculously Responsive Social Sharing Buttons

RRSSB is a solution for responsive social share buttonsthat you can easily customize it by tweaking a few variables. SVGs allow for tiny file size and retina support.

11. Easy Video Sharing Script

Easy Video Sharing Script (EVSS) allows you to embed videos with only their URLs. Just copy & paste the URL of the video page you want to embed in the text field and EVSS does the rest. Best of all, EVSS does not reload the page because of its AJAX backend!

12. HideShare

HideShare is a social sharing plugin that inserts social sharing links. Allows for sharing of current page with the option for sharing any link or image. Requires that Font-Awesome fonts and CSS be installed.

13. Pimax

Pimax displays a photo gallery from your Picasa / Google+ albums. The Public albums are pulled from your account and dsiplayed on your website. You can add a public album or add some images to your Google+ account; it will be reflected on your website with this plugin!

14. FloatShare

floatShare is a free jQuery plugin that allows your website visitors to share your web content on popular social media platforms with a single- click giving you good coverage and audience on multiple social media platforms. floatShare also gauges popularity of your web content by giving you a summary of total ‘shares’ and ‘likes’.

15. jQuery Social Share Buttons

An awesome plugin that lets you add social share buttons to any website with the jQuery Social Share Buttons plugin – No need for PHP!

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