jQuery Mobile Slider Plugins with Touch Support

For this roundup we have compiled a list of some of the Best jQuery Mobile Slider Plugins with Touch Support, following mobile slider plugins are fully responsive and offer myriad of features to make responsive, beautiful and eye catching mobile sliders for your web applications. If you are aware of any other jquery mobile slider plugins, please let us know by posting a comment below. We hope you will find the list handy and useful for your web projects.

Enjoy !!

1. ItemSlide

ItemSlide.js is a jQuery plugin for a touch enabled carousel that works both on desktop and mobile.

2. Elastic Slider

Elastic Slider
Elastic Slider is a photo slider that is working on desktop and mobile browsers.

3. RTP Slider.js

rtp slider
RTP.Slider.js is a versatile and flexible slider. Strong support for fluid / responsive Designs, mobile browsers and touch devices. It has nearly every feature that you can find in other sliders on the web.

4. Swiper

Swiper is the free and ultra lightweight mobile touch slider with hardware accelerated transitions (where supported) and amazing native behavior. It is intended to use in mobile websites, mobile web apps, and mobile native apps. Designed mostly for iOS, but also works great on Android, Windows Phone 8 and modern Desktop browsers.

5. mSlide

mSlide is simple and easy to use slider-gallery with touch support.

6. Slideme2

Slideme2 is a powerful responsive, CSS3 compatible jQuery slider plugin which supports both limited or full screen views. It can be used vertically or horizontally, makes use of CSS3 transitions and has support for pagination. There are methods to control the slider (prev, next..), callbacks for each of them and much more.

7. Glide.js

Glide.js is a lightweight (4.5kb minified) jQuery plugin for creating sliders. It has completely customizable OOCSS markup and uses CSS3 transitions but has fallback to JavaScript. The slider is responsive; it’ll adapt well to all devices and comes with touch support. You can navigate through the items with keyboard, swipe events or with the help of the bullet and arrow menus. Glide.js also has a public API that supports all its events (play, pause, next, prev, etc.).

8. Excolo Slider

Excolo Slider
A simple jquery sliding plugin, supporting responsive design and touch.

9. Swipe

Swipe is a lightweight mobile slider with 1:1 touch movement, resistant bounds, scroll prevention, and completely library agnostic.

10. FerroSlider 2

FerroSlider is a free jQuery plugin that allows you to organize the contents of websites in a unusual and cool way and navigate through them with a sliding effect. FerroSlider uses standard HTML and CSS rules and is responsive and compatible with all the major browsers and with the two main mobile environments, Android and iOS.

11. Full Width Image Slider

full image slider
Full Width Image Slider is a very simple 100% width slider that scales down to mobile. This slider has a 100% width layout and it is responsive. It operates with CSS transitions and the image is wrapped with an anchor. The anchor can be replaced by a division if no linking is needed. With a max-width set to 100%, the image will size down for smaller screens.

12. SlideToucher

slide toucher
slideToucher is a touch enabled jQuery plugin for content swiping. Supports vertical and horizontal swipes.

13. ION. Range Slider

ion range slider
Ion.Range Slider is a nice, comfortable and easily customizable range slider with skins support. Also support events and public methods, has flexible settings, can be completely altered with CSS. It supports touch-devices which includes iPhone, iPad and etc.

14. jQRangeSlider

jQRangeSlider is a jQuery and jQuery UI-powered slider plugin that has support for both numerical values and date/time. It works within a given range of values and can be set to use custom steps(like 10-by-10 or week-by-week). The plugin works well on touch devices (accept mouse wheels too), can be themed with CSS (there are 2 built-in themes) and provides callbacks for each change in values for interacting easily.

15. noUiSlider

noUiSlider is a lightweight size of 2.7kb jQuery range slider plugin. There is support for single or double handles, custom starting values, vertical/horizontal orientation and the ability to get /set values. Also, it works on touch devices and can be customized with CSS completely. Just a perfect widget for any UI.

16. jQuery Slider Plugin

jQuery Slider plugin
jQuery Slider is easy to use and multifunctional jQuery plugin that supports any webkit based touch mobile devices such as iPhone/iPod/iPad and Android.

17. sGlide

A super flexible and light-weight jQuery plugin that generates a simple, feature-rich & mobile ready slider, which can be easily customized and styled using regular CSS.

18. ?slider

?slider is the jQuery content slider by musings.it. In the new 2.0 version it is responsive and it has the "swipe touch" support for mobile/touch devices! It's very easy to use because it has a few essential options that can be configured straightforwardly.

19. SlideControl jQuery Plugin

SlideControl jQuery Plugin allows you to easily make custom sliders for range inputs. You can set the speed, which controls the speed of the animation for a slider reszing. You can also set the LowerBound and UpperBound, which is the minimum and maximum amount the slider can be set to.

20. wmuSlider

wmuSlider is a jQuery responsive slider with touch support and AJAXimage gallery.

21. Iosslider

iosslider is a jQuery plugin which allows you to integrate a customizable, cross-browser content slider into your web presence. Designed for use as a content slider, website banner, or image gallery.

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