Archive for August, 2014

How to copy text from one input textbox to multiple textboxes using jQuery

In this post, find jQuery code to copy text from one input textbox to multiple textboxes while typing or in real time or on paste. To achieve this, give a same class name to all the textboxes in which text needs to be copied. For example, in the below code all the textboxes are having […]
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How to Limit Number of Characters in Textarea using jQuery

Find jQuery code to limit characters inside textarea control. Below code also handles copy + paste and on drop event. $(function () { var nMaxLength = 150; $("#txtDesc").keydown(function (event) { LimitCharacters($(this)); }); $("#txtDesc").keyup(function (event) { LimitCharacters($(this)); }); function LimitCharacters(txtDesc) { if (txtDesc.val().length > nMaxLength) { txtDesc.val(txtDesc.val().substring(0, nMaxLength)); } else { var nRemaining = nMaxLength - […]
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