
This post has been a long time in coming, and I'm sure it comes as no surprise to anyone who has been to the site in the past year and a half. But it's time to make it official: the Learning jQuery blog has come to an end.

I started this blog seven years ago when I was just getting my feet wet with programming for the web as a way to record and help solidify all that I was learning about jQuery (hence the blog's name, duh). Soon thereafter I started inviting others to write here as well in the hopes of having the site be a good destination for solid information about my favorite JavaScript library.

We had a good run with it, but after a while the frequency of posts started to drop. At the same time, but not merely coincidentally, other demands on my time were ratcheting up: family, day job, friends IRL, and so on. And although I spent far too much time over the last year or so feeling guilty about not writing here, that feeling never translated into another blog post. I still love jQuery, still use it, and still contribute when I can, but I've come to the conclusion that if twenty-some months and a whole lot of guilt aren't going to motivate me, it's time to accept the obvious and close up shop.


Besides, other sites have sprung up in the meantime that offer better and more up-to-date material on jQuery. In particular, I'd like to direct you to the official jQuery Learning Center. It's awesome, and it's community driven. You can even contribute to it yourself, if you'd like.


Before I end, I'd like to express my gratitude to everyone who has contributed to this site. Thanks to all the authors who were willing to write about their tips and techniques and deal with my nitpicky editing. Thanks to all the commenters who asked great questions or showed me a better way to do something than what I had detailed in a post. Thanks to John Resig (@jeresig) who created jQuery and encouraged me to start this blog and remained a friend and mentor throughout the years. Thanks to Dave Methvin (@davemethvin‎), who picked up the torch and is doing a fantastic job of keeping jQuery lean, clean, fast, and useful. And thanks to the people in the jQuery community, both past and present, who have taught me so much, including, in no particular order (and if I left anyone out, I'm sorry. Send me an email, and I'll add you to the list.):

Clarification: The site will remain online for the foreseeable future. As time permits, I'll update posts with updated information or links to other resources.

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