jQuery to display/load images received from JSON file

Today, I needed to display images received from a JSON file. The JSON file has only the path of the images. So in this post, find jQuery code to display or load images received from JSON file.

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Consider, below is the JSON file content. It has products list with name and its image path.

   "products": [
         "name": "Levis Blue Denim",
         "imgPath": "images/prods/levisbluedemin01.jpg"
         "name": "Pepe Black Jeans",
         "imgPath": "images/prods/pepeblackjeans01.jpg"
         "name": "Pepe Blue Jeans",
         "imgPath": "images/prods/pepebluejeans01.jpg"

First, read the JSON file using $.getJSON function and then iterate through the received json result. Within the loop, fetch the imgPath property value, set it as image source to <img> tag and append it to a variable.

And once all the products are processed then add the variable value to DOM element in which images needs to be displayed.

$(document).ready(function () {
  var jsonURL = "productList.json";
  $.getJSON(jsonURL, function (json) 
    var imgList= "";

    $.each(json.products, function () {
      imgList += '<li><img src= "' + this.imgPath + '"></li>';


Feel free to contact me for any help related to jQuery, I will gladly help you.

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