Archive for April, 2013

Split an image into strips using jQuery

In this post, find out about a jQuery plugin that gives your images a bit of WOW! Yes, this jQuery plugins allows to split the image into any number of strips. PicStrips adds a little style to your images to help them stand out from the crowd. You can split your images into any number […]
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Show only Month and Year in only one jQuery UI DatePicker in case of Multiple DatePicker

In one of my previous post, I had posted about Show only Month and Year in jQuery UI DatePicker, but there was an issue with the code explained in that particular post. The issue was that it was applicable for all the datepickers present on the page and it is quite possible to have such […]
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What’s new in jQuery 2.0

You asked for it, you got it: jQuery 2.0 has arrived! Oh Yes!! jQuery 2.0 is finally released and this version leaves behind the older Internet Explorer 6, 7, and 8 browsers. jQuery 2.0 is intended for the modern web. But don’t worry, the jQuery team still supports the 1.x branch which does run on […]
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Direct vs Delegated Events with jQuery on() method

jQuery added a new method called  on()  in release 1.7 which provides all functionality for attaching event handlers. And it has made other event handler event like live() and delegate() dead. This method was introduced due to performance issue with live() method. Related Post: jQuery Name-spacing with on() and off() method empty() vs remove() vs […]
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Fetch Picasa or Google Plus photos using jQuery

In this post, I am going to share a jQuery plugin called "Pimax" which allows you to fetch photos from Google+ or Picasa account. Pimax displays a photo gallery from your Picasa/G+ albums. The Public albums are pulled from your account and displayed on your website. You can add a public album or add some […]
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7 jQuery WebSite Tour Plugins

In this post, find a complied list of 7 Awesome, stylish, easy and eye catching jQuery plugins to create Website Tour, interactive help, guide or providing instructions. These plugins can be used to guide users about website or demo of any product. These plugins are easy to use, stylish and customizable and by incorporating them […]
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