Superslides: jQuery full screen slider plugin for 2013

A full screen background slideshow jQuery plugin called "Superslides".Superslides is a full screen slider for jQuery. It's designed to be as flexible as possible, while maintaining a reasonable code base and good browser compatibility.

It's 4.3kb minified (9.4kb uncompressed).


Basic usage is as follows. See options below for things you can change.



Currently, Superslides has a few configurable options: auto play with a delay, slide transition speed, and slide easing.

delay: 5000
play: false
slide_speed: 'normal'
slide_easing: 'linear'
nav_class: 'slides-navigation'
container_class: 'slides-container'
pagination: true
hashchange: true

Superslides triggers a few events that you can bind to. Visit official website for more details.

Official Website

Feel free to contact me for any help related to jQuery, I will gladly help you.

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