Detailed guide of how to setup jQuery UI – Part 2

Yesterday I had posted about Detailed guide of how to setup jQuery UI and once you download the jQuery UI library, you'll get a customized zip file containing everything you selected.

Once you've downloaded jQuery UI, you'll get a zip containing the following files:

  • /css/
  • /development-bundle/
  • /js/
  • index.html

Out of these files, there are 3 folders and 1 file.

  • css: The css folder contains custom css file and also the images required by the theme.
  • development-bundle: This folder contains all the development files that include the uncompressed source code. This is quite helpful at the time of development as if there is any problem than you can change the code as per requirement. This folder contains demos, documents and seperate .js file for every selected component before downloading.
  • js: This folder contains the minified version of both jQuery and jQuery UI library.

Development version is useful at the time of development because you can easily debug the code. And as jQuery is open source so you can easily make changes in the jQuery library as per your requirement. But after making changes in jQuery library ensure that you minify it.

While production version is useful when your website goes on production or final release as file size is small so it can save some amount of bandwidth.

jQuery UI depends on jQuery. You must add jQuery to a document in order to use jQuery UI. jQuery UI is not a stand-alone library.

This is the last article of this series and I hope you find these articles useful. If you have anything to add, share or any question let us know.

Feel free to contact me for any help related to jQuery, I will gladly help you.

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