jQuery Plugin Suites Written in Coffee Script

Mini JS is a collection of useful jQuery plugins that are written in CoffeeScript. CoffeeScript is a little language that compiles into JavaScript. The suite currently consists of a word counter for text area’s, tool tips, simple slider, notifications, alerts, twitter feeds, and a drop down menu. Each plugin is configurable and well documented. They are tested in modern browsers including IE7 and upwards.

1. Count

Minimal but powerful Character / Word / Sentence Counter plugin! It becomes very handy especially for form validation.

2. Tip

Painless tooltip plugin using CSS3 features to make its usage as simple as possible.

3. Slider

Simple Slider jQuery plugin with options allowing you to customize it just like you want.

4. Notification

A simple but flexible notification plugin with the minimum required functionalities.

5. Feed

Just what you need to output a Twitter feed for a chosen account.

6. Alert

Allows visitors to display and hide quick messages with a simple click.

7. Dropdown

Dropdown jQuery plugin written in CoffeeScript useful for menus.

Feel free to contact me for any help related to jQuery, I will gladly help you.

Responsive Menu
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