jQuery UI DatePicker

jQuery UI DatePicker is most popular and used date picker plugin that adds datepicker functionality to your pages. It can be customized easily for different date formats and languages, restricting date ranges, disabling specific days and other navigation options easily.

I had posted many articles on jQuery UI DatePicker, which covers almost everything which one may require while implementing or using this plugin. So in this post, I have complied and prepared a list of all the articles which I had posted. The idea behind creating this list, so that you can bookmark it and find solution of your problems at single place.

Implement jQuery UI DatePicker with ASP.NET Set Current Date in jQuery UI Datepicker Supported date format by jQuery UI Datepicker Show Hand cursor on image button with jQuery UI Datepicker
Enable weekends in jQuery Datepicker Disable Weekends in jQuery DatePicker Disable specific days in jQuery Datepicker Highlight Specific Dates in jQuery UI DatePicker
Display ToolTip on jQuery UI Datepicker for specific dates Provide date format hint using jQuery UI DatePicker Show multiple months in jQuery Datepicker Set Date range to one month in jQuery Datepicker
Show Hide jQuery UI DatePicker Dynamically Show only Month and Year in jQuery UI DatePicker Show jQuery UI DatePicker on button click Update another field on date selection in jQuery UI DatePicker
Validate Date of Birth is not greater than current date using jQuery End Date should not be less than Start Date using jQuery Date Picker Restrict Date Range in jQuery UI DatePicker for two dates jQuery UI DatePicker, IE 7 and an extra comma
Show Month and Year in only 1 jQuery UI DatePicker in case of Multiple DatePickers jQuery Datepicker does not work after Ajax Partial Postback Change Position of Current month in multi month jQuery UI Calendar Few Interesting things with jQuery UI DatePicker setDate()

If there is anything which is not covered and you want to get added in this list then please put your valuable comments and I will try my best to have this list updated.

Feel free to contact me for any help related to jQuery, I will gladly help you.

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