Archive for June, 2012

Spin plugin to show loading icon with jQuery

Web pages takes time to load and when page is heavy then it takes more time to load. Would it not be nice to show loading icon. It creates responsive webpage and gives nice user experience.In this post, I will show you a plugin to show loading icon. Features No images, no external CSS No […]
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Find and Show jQuery Version

It is sometimes handy to check the jQuery version so that if needed then you can write version specific code. There are two ways by which you can find the jQuery version. For example, If jQuery 1.7.2 version is used <script type="text/javascript"src="Script/jquery-1.7.2.js"></script> Method 1 $(document).ready(function() { alert($().jquery); }); It will display 1.7.2 in alert. Another […]
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Get URL Parameters using jQuery

In today's post, you will see small piece of code but really effective and useful. That is how to get URL Parameters using jQuery. Now days every server language provide direct method to get the URL parameters but this is not straight forward with jQuery. Earlier I had posted about Get Page Title and URL […]
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How to change orientation of jQuery UI Slider

For your information, jQuery UI Slider by default renders in horizontal orientation. But yesterday one of my reader asked me that his requirement is to show slider in vertical orientation, not in horizontal orientation. So, I had provided him the solution and thought of sharing with all my readers as well. jQuery UI Slider has […]
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Add magnifying glass (Loupe) to images using jQuery

Images are pretty important element of any website. They catches user's attention. But it will be more attractive and nice feature, if images can be presented with different effects and a magnifying glass to view the images. So in this post, I will walk through you a jQuery plugin which allows to provide a Loupe […]
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Take jQuery Quiz and check your jQuery skills

Do you believe that you are master of jQuery or your knowledge is good enough about jQuery? Well, if you think so then you can take these jQuery Quiz and find out where your jQuery skills stands. Below is collection of 3 different jQuery Quiz links, which I had collected and you can take and […]
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