Archive for March, 2012

How to set default value for jQuery UI Slider

Yesterday while for one of my requirement, I need to set default value of the jQuery UI slider. That means when page is loaded there should be a default value for slider. For example, if the range allowed for slider is 0 to 100 and when page loads slider should have 18 as default value. […]
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How to set Page Title using jQuery

Well sometimes it required to change the title of page dynamically after some event like button click. So in this post, I will show you how to change/set page title using jQuery. You can easily achieve it via single line of code. All you need is to set new value to title attribute of the […]
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Various reasons and solutions of jQuery is not defined error

"jQuery is not defined" or "$ is not defined" is a very common error that you may face while working with jQuery or if you have started learning jQuery. The error message "jQuery is not defined" clearly says that it can't find the jQuery and you are trying to access jQuery's power. So in this […]
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How to create page flip effect using jQuery

jQuery is becoming popular day by day and you would see something new happening with jQuery. Page Flip effect like magazine is quite popular and people used to do using Flash. But now, you can have page flip effect using jQuery. In jQuery, you can achieve this page flip effect animation using a plugin called […]
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What’s new in jQuery 1.7.2

jQuery team has released a new version of jQuery library which is 1.7.2. jQuery 1.7.2 is looking good! The release candidate went smoothly so they have released it to your eager hands today. You can get the oven-fresh code from the jQuery CDN now, with Google and Microsoft CDNs soon to follow: (minified, production) […]
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How to check file size before uploading using jQuery

File uploading is a very common feature and It is always a good thing to know that what size of file is end user is uploading at the server. As it is quite possible that you don't want to allow users to upload huge files. So it is better to check the size of file […]
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