jQTouch Vs Sencha Touch vs jQuery Mobile

In my previous post, I have put together the difference between jQTouch and jQuery Mobile. But there is another Mobile Framework named "Sencha Touch" which is developed by the same person who has created jQTouch. Before you move further to know more about Sencha Touch, please read jQTouch vs jQuery Mobile.

What is Sencha Touch?

Sencha Touch is the world's first mobile web app development framework built specifically to leverage HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript for the highest level of power, flexibility, and optimization. It make specific use of HTML5 to deliver components like audio and video, as well as a localStorage proxy for saving data offline. It makes extensive use of CSS3 in our stylesheets to provide the most robust styling layer possible.

Sencha Touch is a cross-platform framework aimed at next generation, touch enabled, devices. It's currently compatible with Apple iOS 3+, Android 2.1+, and BlackBerry 6+ devices.

Altogether, the entire library is under 120kb (gzipped and minified), and it's trivial to make that number even smaller by disabling unused components or styles.

Features of Sencha Touch

  • Easy Setup
  • Sencha Touch includes a set of graphical user interface GUI-based controls or "components" for use within mobile web applications. These components are highly optimized for touch input.
  • Built-in transition effects
  • Resolution Independent
  • Touch event management: It supports events like Tap, Double Tap, Pinch, Swipe and Scroll.
  • Application data support: Sencha Touch has a data package to support web standards for data interchange with servers such as Ajax and JSONP


  • jQuery Mobile supports more number of mobile platform as compare to Sencha Touch. Sencha touch only supports iOS, Android and recently Blackberry.
  • jQuery Mobile and Sencha touch both provides great UI features with lots of control but Sencha touch wins here. Sencha Touch offers a bit more like lots of icons, or built-in maps.?
  • jQuery Mobile is easy to use as Sencha Touch is completely Javascript. Your application takes place in js files, dealing with js classes. On the other hand, jQueryMobile is markup-driven. Sencha Touch is an extension of the Ext JS framework. It has a more native language feel than html and does not follow open standards. For example, the entire <body> of a webpage is generated in javascript.
  • jQuery Mobile is easy to learn but for Sencha touch one need to put extra effort to learn it. In fact the documentation of Sencha touch is not comprehensive but jQuery Mobile documentation is quite good.
  • jQuery mobile is light weight compare to Sencha touch.
  • Sencha Touch supports a more MVC style application design, whereas jQuery mobile will simply be a load of markup and a load of jQuery script converting your HTML elements into touch friendly interface components.
  • jQuery Mobile Framework is easy to integrate with other technologies.
  • jQuery Mobile is free where Sencha Touch is available free of charge for commercial and open source application development. However, embedding Sencha Touch in a web application builder or software development kit (SDK) requires a paid commercial OEM license agreement. Read more about Sencha Touch Licensing FAQ.

In the end, no mobile framework is perfect and the choice depends on the project requirement. But my favorite is jQuery Mobile.

Feel free to contact me for any help related to jQuery, I will gladly help you.

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