Archive for December, 2011

Set Youtube video as background using jQuery

The title sounds interesting? Isn't it? Have a Youtube video as your page background using jQuery? Well having a Youtube video as background may be disturbing as if speed is not good then the user experience will not be good. But let's not discuss the pros and cons of having Youtube video as background. That […]
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jQuery timepicker plugin demo

I was thinking about creating a jQuery timepicker plugin but someone has already put lots of hard work to create a timepicker plugin. I suggest you to see the below demo for timepicker plugin. Download You can download this project in either zip or tar formats. Get the source code on GitHub: jonthornton/jquery.timepicker Feel free […]
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Auto save the form using jQuery and HTML 5

Just imagine that you're filling a long form on any site And when you're almost done with that browser is crashed, or you closed browser accidently, or electricity is turned off, or something else break your efforts. How would you feel? Horrible? You would be getting angry as all your inputs are gone. You would […]
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jQuery plugin for Uppercase, lowercase, title case and pascal case

In one of my post, I had posted "how to convert text to UpperCase using jQuery". But today, I have created my first jQuery plugin called "Setcase". The beauty of this plugin is that this plugin can be used to convert text to uppercase, lowercase, title case and pascal case. Features It makes use of […]
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