Archive for December, 2011

Most Popular jQuery article in 2011

With 2011 coming to an end and 2012 approaching fast, I have prepared a list of Most Popular jQuery articles on this blog for this year. This list have articles which were visited most throught out the world. I would like to thank every one who has visited this blog, subscribed to our Feed, followed […]
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jQuery is() method explained

jQuery ".is()" is a filtering method which can be used to check the current element or set of element against a selector, elements, a jquery object or a function. It return true if there is at least one match from the given argument. Let me put this in simple term with an example. Suppose you […]
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Using jQuery’s .pushStack() for reusable DOM traversing methods

The .pushStack() method has been in jQuery since before version 1.0, but it hasn't received a whole lot of attention outside of core developers and plugin authors. While its usefulness may not be immediately apparent, it can come in really handy in some situations, so I'd like to take a quick look at what it […]
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Validate Date using jQuery

I have already posted about "Validate Date format using jQuery" in which explains how to validate the format of date only, not the actual date. I also received one comment from my reader that it is not sufficient to validate only format. So I thought why not writing a post which validates the date as […]
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What is jQuery?

Today I got a question from one of my colleague who is a fresher and doesn't know what is jQuery. So he came to me and asked me what is jQuery and why should we use jQuery? So I have explain it to him and thought of writing a post as well about what is […]
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Top and Best jQuery tips and tricks

jQuery has already become very popular and it is a must for every web developer. But with it's popularity, it is pretty important for any developer to use it efficiently and intelligently. It is important to know some tips and tricks as they save most important part of any software, that is human effort. In this […]
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