Archive for November, 2010

Face detection using jQuery

Now days face detection is a common feature in most digital cameras. The white square that you see around someones face when camera is focused on the person. In this post, you will see how can you detect faces in an image using jQuery. Face detection is a jQuery plugin that returns the coordinates of […]
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How to remove elements from dropdown using jQuery

Previously I had posted about "Get ASP.NET Dropdown selected value and text using jQuery". In this post, I will show you how to remove any specific element from the dropdown list using jQuery. You can remove a particular element from the dropdown list using jQuery. <select id="ddlList"> <option value="1">ASP.NET</option> <option value="2">C#</option> <option value="3">VB.NET</option> <option value="4">HTML</option> […]
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fadeToggle method in jQuery 1.4.4

jQuery team has released jQuery 1.4.4 Release Candidate 2. The purpose of candidate release to ensure that before they officially release it, it get tested with the developer community. With jQuery 1.4.4 a new animation method is added called "fadeToggle". jQuery already have fadeIn(), fadeOut() and fadeTo() method. fadeIn() - This method makes element visible […]
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Check variable is Array using jQuery

Today for one of my functionality, I need to check whether the Java script variable is an array or not. jQuery provides a method "jQuery.isArray()" to check whether the element is Java script array or not. jQuery.isArray() returns a boolean value that indicates whether the object is a JavaScript array or not. It takes the […]
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