Wow!!! We have jQuery Mobile now

Wow!!!! Very soon we will be having jQuery mobile framework which will work with all the major mobile browsers. jQuery team has officially announced it. As per the jQuery team jQuery mobile is "Delivering top-of-the-line JavaScript and a unified User Interface across the most-used smartphone web browsers." Till now no other framework has targeted so many mobile browsers. Following mobile OS will be supported.

  • Symbian OS
  • iPhone OS
  • Android
  • Blackberry OS
  • Windows Mobile OS
  • WebOS
  • bada
  • Maemo/Meego

Here is the complete list of supported mobile browsers.

jQuery mobile will have mobile-optimized widgets and layout as we have currently with jQuery UI. See the initial designs here.

Read my post about "How to start with jQuery mobile".

Visit official website of jQueryMobile.

Feel free to contact me for any help related to jQuery. I will gladly help you.

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