Spring 2010 jQuery Conference: San Francisco Bay Area

Since the fall of 2007, jQuery developers around the world have been making an annual pilgrimage to Boston, Massachusetts, to meet jQuery team members, JavaScript luminaries, and other jQuery developers at the official jQuery Conference. This spring, in response to growing demand, the jQuery Project is offering its first-ever official jQuery conference on the U.S west coast. The conference will take place April 24–25 in Mountain View, California, and will include top-notch presentations from the jQuery team, as well as other web development and performance experts. Additionally, the conference will be preceded by a one-day intensive jQuery training course in downtown San Francisco, led by appendTo a leading jQuery training and consulting company.

Priced at $199, the two-day conference is one of the best bargains you'll find anywhere for a full-on tech conference. The jQuery team is committed to keeping the price as low as possible, relying on the support of sponsors to help defray the cost of registration. jQuery developers from beginner to advanced will learn a ton, have a great time, and meet many others who are using jQuery in innovative ways to make the web a better place.

On a personal note, this will be the first jQuery conference ever that I won't be able to attend (regrettably, a scheduling conflict is keeping me home this time). But having heard many of the speakers in the past and having been involved a bit in the planning of this conference, I can assure you that you won't want to miss it. While we hope to continue offering a west-coast event on an annual basis, as we have done with the east-coast event a lot will depend on the level of interest and attendance this time around. So, what are you waiting for? Sign up now!

One brief personal plug: I will be teaching a 3-day jQuery class June 2–4 in beautiful Holland, Michigan. If for some reason you can't make it to the conference in April—or even if you can—you might want to consider taking the class. This will be the fourth class I've taught with Idea Foundry, and if it's anything like the others, we'll have a blast, with lots and lots of great learning.

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