Archive for March, 2007

Learning jQuery, the Book

For those of you who have been following the jQuery blog the past couple months, you may have noticed John Resig's mention of a secret: "There's a jQuery book in the works!" Well, I am thrilled to be able to leak a little more information about that secret. For the past few months my friend […]
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Selecting Elements by Properties and DOM Expandos

Sometimes it is very convenient to store information on an element by using custom properties (DOM Expandos). For example, I use DOM Expandos in my Mouse Wheel plugin to store an array of handler methods (_mwHandlers) along with a method (_mwHandler) to call all those handlers when the mouse wheel is used. Storing these methods […]
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Accordion Madness

A few weeks ago I wrote about two ways we can achieve the "accordion menu" effect, and I promised to describe a third option. Well, this is it, Option 3. But first, here is a list of my other show-hide-toggle entries, as well as Jörn Zaefferer's accordion menu plug-in: More Showing, More Hiding Slicker Show […]
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