Archive for January, 2007

Copy Events from One Element to Another

Need to clone an element and its events? Sure, you could rebind the events after doing the clone, but that wouldn't be very DRY now, would it? Introducing Copy Events, a new plugin for jQuery.
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Effect Delay Trick

Here is a quick trick for getting an effect to delay without using setTimeout. Let's say, for example, that I want to show an alert message on the page every time a user clicks on a certain button. But I don't want it to stay there forever; I want it to go away a few […]
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jQuery 1.1 Released!

It's jQuery's first birthday, and John Resig and the development team are celebrating in style with a brand new release of jQuery! Version 1.1 has just about every performance and feature improvement that I mentioned in my previous Year of jQuery entry — the huge speed improvements, the streamlined API, and even the much-improved documentation […]
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The Year of jQuery

I hereby decree that 2007 shall be the Year of jQuery. Well, what else would you expect from a blog about jQuery? But, really, this is not just another case of wishful thinking, or even one of those lame prediction posts that have been spinning around the web lately. Admittedly, the title might suffer from […]
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