jQuery 1.0.2 Now Available

John Resig just announced on the jQuery mailing list this evening that jQuery 1.0.2 has been released. According to Resig, "This release is a huge bug fix release - and it is highly recommended that you upgrade right away."

Resig also credited Jörn Zaefferer with much of the work on this latest jQuery version:

I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce everyone to Jörn Zaefferer. Much of this release was made possible by him. He's responsible for completely overhauling the test suite (it now has over 260+ tests!) and for fixing the majority of the current bugs and enhancements (over 60 of them!).

While version 1.0.2 mostly tightens up code and fixes bugs, John Resig and the jQuery developer community are already working on lots of cool features and enhancements for the upcoming version 1.1, so stay tuned.

Congratulations to John, Jörn, and the rest of the jQuery developers on making the best JavaScript library even better!


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