Archive for September, 2006

Multiple $(document).ready()

One more great thing about $(document).ready() that I didn't mention in my previous post is that you can use it more than once. In fact, if you don't care at all about keeping your code small, you could litter your javascript file with them. It's great to be able to group your functions within a […]
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A Getting Started Guide

Jörn Zaefferer has put together a nice "Getting Started Guide" that can help people, um, get started wtih jQuery. It'll help anyone who is new to jQuery, and even those who are fairly new to JavaScript and programming in general — just the kind of help I like. Here is what the guide includes: Setup […]
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Welcome to Learning jQuery!

Welcome to the new Learning jQuery — a multi-author weblog with the aim of sharing information about this most amazing of JavaScript libraries. As we post entries, you might begin to notice that the three authors — Karl, Dan, and JonBob — approach jQuery, JavaScript, and life in general from three different perspectives. Our programming […]
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Introducing $(document).ready()

This is the first thing to learn about jQuery: If you want an event to work on your page, you should call it inside the $(document).ready() function. Everything inside it will load as soon as the DOM is loaded and before the page contents are loaded.
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Sacrificial Lambda

Dynamically binding event handlers to content that has been ajaxed in with $.load without repeating yourself can be tricky. Lambda functions help you to not repeat yourself as much. jQuery uses lamdba functions everywhere, so if you're familiar with jQuery, you should be familiar with the syntax of lambda functions. In this example, the ajaxed-in […]
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