How to Get Cursor Coordinates Using jQuery

It's fairly easy to get the coordinates of your cursor using jQuery. While this information might not be particularly useful to a lot of developers, there are definitely occasions where the x and y coordinates of your cursor can be particularly useful. The code snippet below shows you how to find the x and y […]
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How to Use jQuery’s .one() Method

jQuery's .one() method is a really cool method that, when used, will trigger a function attached to a certain selector or element only once. Normally with jQuery methods, they will occur as many times as the trigger event is triggered, but when you use the .one() method, the code that it's attached to only gets […]
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How to Use jQuery to Search and Replace HTML

Have you ever made a mistake in your code or in your text and dreaded combing through all of your HTML files to repair what went awry? With this jQuery search and replace code, you may never have to do that again. The code searches for a term or word in your HTML files and […]
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Format Your jQuery and JavaScript With This Useful Tool

If you've ever worked with improperly formatted code before, you know what a total pain it can be to edit, add to, and even understand. Formatting is really important when it comes to jQuery and JavaScript. If code isn't formatted properly, there's a good chance you're going to miss some closing brackets or forgot a […]
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Using jQuery to Check All Boxes

If you want to include a "check all" option in any of your projects, it's actually pretty easy to do using jQuery. The snippet below demonstrates how to include a check all button that will check all of the inputs that fall within one fieldset tag. To start, make sure your HTML looks something like […]
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How to Use jQuery’s .mouseover() Method

jQuery's .mouseover() method is used to execute some jQuery code whenever an element is "moused-over" (or, as the action is perhaps more commonly referred to, hovered upon). Really, the concept isn't much different from jQuery's .hover() method or CSS's :hover effect, and .mouseover() can be used more or less interchangeably with them. The syntax for .mouseover() […]
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