How to Use Media Queries with jQuery

The evolution of smartphones and tablets has forced website owners to integrate mobile/tablet friendly (or responsive design) techniques. The creation of responsive design websites has subsequently evolved with new tools and frameworks. Media queries play an important role to create a responsive design as it allows content rendering to adapt to conditions such as screen […]
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Using Head.js to Load All Your JavaScript

In the past few years, client side frameworks/libraries have become very powerful and offers great features to implement complex functionalities on the client side, instead of relying on server side. This is really great for developers, but it has also made life difficult when it comes to managing multiple resources. One disadvantage is that loading […]
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How to Sort HTML Table Using jQuery Code

HTML tables are useful for displaying data in a tabular format. Tables tend to look elegant and clean. However, HTML tables are even more useful when data is sorted in columns in an ascending or descending order. In this post, we’ll learn how to sort an HTML table using jQuery without using any jQuery plugins. […]
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How to Detect Browser Using jQuery

One of the more frustrating parts of creating a new web project is making sure that it looks the same (or as close to the same as humanly possible) across all different browser types. The problem with achieving cross-browser compatibility is that each browser has its own set of inherent styling rules, and additionally, some […]
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7 Lightweight jQuery Plugins for File Uploads

Creating your own file uploading functionality on your website is more trouble than its worth in most scenarios.  With dozens of different free, lightweight, and customizable jQuery plugins available to add that functionality to your site, there's even less reason to try and do it for yourself. Take a look at the list below of […]
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How to Dynamically Resize an iFrame

We've already talked about how, as developers, iFrames can sometimes be our worst enemies. Because their content is often hosted on another server (as well as their stylesheets), they can be a huge pain to change around and manipulate. In our previous iFrame post, we gave you a snippet that can be used to access […]
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