All jQuery Code Examples

Show only Month and Year in only one jQuery UI DatePicker in case of Multiple DatePicker

In one of my previous post, I had posted about Show only Month and Year in jQuery UI DatePicker, but there was an issue with the code explained in that particular post. The issue was that it was applicable for all the datepickers present on the page and it is quite possible to have such […]
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jQuery Namespacing with on() and off() method

With jQuery 1.7, jQuery team introduced 2 new ways to attach and remove events. on() method is used for attaching events to DOM elements, and off() method is used to removed event handlers. And you should use on() and off() only to attach and remove handlers, instead of bind(), live() and delegate(). Related Post: bind() […]
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Highlight Negative value columns in ASP.NET GridView using jQuery

In this post, find jQuery code to highlight negative value columns/cells in ASP.NET GridView. This is a helpful feature as it draws user's attention immediately and informs him that there is something wrong with some of the entities. Related Post: jQuery.isNumeric in jQuery 1.7 Download ASP.NET GridView & jQuery Tips and Tricks eBook PDF Common […]
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jQuery to remove duplicate items from array

Find jQuery code to remove duplicate items from an array using $.unique(). Earlier I had posted about jQuery solution to remove item from array, split an array, combine/join arrays and Find index of element in array, And In this post, find how to remove duplicate items from array with example. $(document).ready(function () { var arr […]
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Check/uncheck checkboxes in GridView using jQuery

Find out jQuery code to check/uncheck or select/deselect all the checkboxes in ASP.NET Gridview. There are already plenty of articles on this topic but then how this is different. Assume, all the checkboxes are checked when header checkbox is checked but then you uncheck one of the child checkbox then what happens to your header […]
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jQuery to highlight GridView Rows when Checkbox is checked in ASP.NET

In this post, Find out jQuery code to highlight ASP.NET Gridview row when checkbox is checked and restore it to original state when unchecked. Also Read: GridView and jQuery in ASP.NET How to do it? Bind the click event to all the checkbox of ASP.NET GridView. $('#<%=gdRows.ClientID%>') .find('input:checkbox[id$="chkDelete"]') .click( function() { }); In the click […]
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