Archive for September, 2017

Drag and Drop HTML Table Rows Using jQuery

HTML tables are the preferred UI option for displaying data. Sorting, paging and searching/filtering are must-have functionalities for any HTML table with extensive data. These functions make HTML tables more user-friendly and efficient for the end user. In some cases one may require drag and drop functionalities for HTML table rows. Unfortunately, implementing drag and […]
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Implementing the ‘Read More’ Functionality Using jQuery

The Read More functionality is a very familiar feature that you will come across on blogs or websites with long content, like news websites. This feature allows you to compress content and, therefore, put more content in less space. This also gives the user the freedom to skip the content if it’s not relevant to […]
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Get HTML Table Cell Value Using jQuery

HTML tables are great for displaying data in tabular form and when implemented can also support features like sorting, paging, and filtering records. You may need to interact with the table to get its data when a table cell is clicked. So in this quick post, we’ll look at how to get the table cell […]
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Top 5 Best JavaScript Template Engines

Template engines help in the decoupling of HTML and JavaScript code to reduce the client-side code complexity and make it manageable. Once you know the advantages of the template engines, you will definitely fall in love with them and start using them right away. You will be immensely impressed by their features and the benefits […]
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Must-have JavaScript Framework/Libraries in Your Skillset

JavaScript has come a long way and evolved over the years. There was a time when developers were frustrated with JavaScript issues on the client side and had nightmares to fix cross-browser compatibility issues. The biggest roadblock was the developers had nowhere else to go, other than JavaScript. When the things were looking darkest, jQuery […]
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20 Impressive jQuery Plugins to Replace the HTML Select Box

The traditional HTML select element is not very powerful out of the box, it lacks in more substantive features. Today, the web demands controls with multiple features for a user-friendly experience and the traditional HTML select box just can’t compete. Features like multi-select, grouping, hierarchical lists, and custom HTML markup make light work of projects […]
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