Archive for February, 2013

jQuery to show only first element in a group

In this post, find jQuery code to show only first element within a group or container or div element. You must have seen this feature on Facebook. If you have not seen, then go to Facebook -> Photos -> Click on Album tab. Take mouse on any album, and you will find other images are […]
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Expand textarea as you type using jQuery

Textarea or ASP.NET Textbox with Multiline mode controls are useful for accepting for length inputs. If fixed height is assigned then you will find vertical scrollbar. But it will be a nice feature to expand the textarea as users types. So in this post, Find jQuery code to expand textarea as user type using jQuery […]
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Find control inside GridView using jQuery

In this post, find jQuery code and explanation to "find control inside ASP.NET GridView". Why it is tricky? The reason is ID of control's placed inside ASP.NET Gridview get changed at the time of rendering. Till ASP.NET 3.5, the rendered client-side id is formed by taking the Web control's ID property and prefixed it with […]
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jQuery webticker/ news ticker plugin

There are many jQuery news ticker available today. They are also known as jQuery WebTicker or jQuery easy ticker plugins. It is a useful, tiny and handy feature as it can be used to display news, notification, tweets, recent/ popular posts or articles and many more things. Out of those many plugins, One of the […]
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jQuery- Parse JSON, XML and HTML

In this post, find out jQuery code on how to parse JSON, parse XML and parse HTML. If you are still using custom code for parsing any of these and making your life more miserable then stop doing it. Why? If you are not aware then here is a news for you that jQuery has […]
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jQuery Namespacing with on() and off() method

With jQuery 1.7, jQuery team introduced 2 new ways to attach and remove events. on() method is used for attaching events to DOM elements, and off() method is used to removed event handlers. And you should use on() and off() only to attach and remove handlers, instead of bind(), live() and delegate(). Related Post: bind() […]
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