Archive for January, 2013

5 Reasons of jQuery – $ is not defined error

"jQuery is not defined" or "$ is not defined" is a very common error that you may face while working with jQuery or if you have started learning jQuery. The error message "jQuery is not defined" clearly says that it can't find the jQuery and you are trying to access jQuery's power. So in this […]
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jQuery to remove duplicate items from array

Find jQuery code to remove duplicate items from an array using $.unique(). Earlier I had posted about jQuery solution to remove item from array, split an array, combine/join arrays and Find index of element in array, And In this post, find how to remove duplicate items from array with example. $(document).ready(function () { var arr […]
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Learn how to use jQuery?

In this post, you will go through What is jQuery, why to use jQuery and learn how to use jQuery. jQuery is without any doubt is the most popular client side library. The popularity of jQuery is so much that it has become must for every developer. Before, you go further let me clear the […]
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All kind of Client Side Validation using jQuery

Validation is most important and required feature on any web page. And Client side validation plays an important part. So find jQuery code to validate email address, phone number, date, date format, textbox with only number and many more validation techniques. Validate Email address using jQuery Validate Date format using jQuery Validate Date using jQuery […]
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jQuery to round off decimal values

To round off decimal values using jQuery, we can use the built-in JavaScript methods toFixed() or toPrecision(). The toFixed() method converts a number into a string, keeping a specified number of decimals. var iNum = 12345.6789; iNum.toFixed(); // Returns "12346": note rounding, no fractional part iNum.toFixed(1); // Returns "12345.7": note rounding iNum.toFixed(6); // Returns "12345.678900": […]
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5 Free jQuery Full Screen Calendar Plugins

Online Full Screen jQuery calendar are quite useful as they allows to create schedule, agenda, events, reminders, scheduling meetings and many more useful things. So, in this post we have collected 5 Free jQuery Full Screen Calendar Plugins which are lightweight, easy to integrate. Related Post: 5 jQuery DatePicker Plugin collection jQuery UI DatePicker Calendario: […]
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