Archive for December, 2012

10 Free jQuery Photo Gallery Plugins

Photo galleries are very common and also useful for displaying images and photos. So today we’ve prepared a good list of the 10 best and free jQuery photo gallery plugins. Polaroid Photobar Gallery with jQuery Sliding Panel Photo Wall Gallery - jQuery Full Page Image Gallery - jQuery Thumbnails Navigation Gallery - jQuery Thumbnails Preview […]
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10+ jQuery Modal Dialog boxes plugins

jQuery modal dialog boxes are great way to show alert, notice, information, errors, modal popups, modal windows or dialog. Earlier I had posted about 10 Free jQuery Photo Gallery Plugins, jQuery Plugins to create Pinterest like layout and jQuery Instagram Plugins. So in this post, I have gathered 10 Best and jQuery Modal Dialog boxes […]
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jQuery to highlight GridView Rows when Checkbox is checked in ASP.NET

In this post, Find out jQuery code to highlight ASP.NET Gridview row when checkbox is checked and restore it to original state when unchecked. Also Read: GridView and jQuery in ASP.NET How to do it? Bind the click event to all the checkbox of ASP.NET GridView. $('#<%=gdRows.ClientID%>') .find('input:checkbox[id$="chkDelete"]') .click( function() { }); In the click […]
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jQuery to clear textbox value using ESC key

Yesterday worked on interesting thing. Requirement was to clear the textbox text when escape (Esc) key is pressed within textbox. This was easy and simple. Bind keyup event with textbox/textboxes. Check the keycode. If keyCode is 27 (which is for esc key) then clear the text. $(document).ready(function() { $('input[type="text"]').keyup(function(e){ if(e.keyCode == 27) { $(this).val(''); } […]
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jQuery to style Hyperlinks based on URL extension

Yesterday I was working on a requirement where I need to apply different styles to hyperlinks based on their URL extensions. For example, if there are hyperlinks which redirects to ".pdf" extension then change their font color to "Red" so that they look different from other hyperlinks. This was easy to implement using jQuery. What […]
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jQuery to disable submit button to prevent duplicate postback

Well, it is quite possible that user may click the submit button more than once to post the data. Which in turn may lead to duplicate postback. And it may create problems like duplicate insertion of records, if not handled properly. So it is preferable to disabled the submit button once it is clicked so […]
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