Archive for May, 2012

Add Google Maps to website using jQuery

jQuery Google maps has become extremely popular among the internet users and widely used. You must have seen Google maps on Contact us page of many website. Now you can also integrate Google Maps in your website with the help of jQuery Google Map Plugin called "GMap.js". There are many jQuery Google maps plugin available […]
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How to clear textbox value using jQuery

In this short post, I will show you simple jQuery code to clear textbox value. The reason for writing this post is because I have seen many beginner programmers using val() == '', which is wrong as val() is a method that takes argument. It is not a property or attribute. You can call this […]
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jQuery : How to force browser to reload the images

Whenever you visit any website, the browser caches the images and other elements of the webpage which is stored at your machine. The advantage of caching is that when you next time access the webpage, If the browser has already found the resource to the URL specified then it will not make a new request […]
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How to change UL bullet icon using jQuery

The <ul> element when used with <li> tag always appears in circular bullet and what if you want to change the default bullet icon with something of your own choice of icon. In this short post, I will show you how you can change the default bullet icon with other icon using jQuery. First define […]
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How to sort Table OR Grid using jQuery

Sorting is one of the most common feature and with data presented in form of table or Grid, it is a necessary feature. In this post, I will show you how you can sort table or grid using jQuery. It is possible using a jQuery plugin. called "Tablesort". Tablesort is a small and simple sorting […]
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HTML 5 based text editor plugin

Previously I had posted about collection of "jQuery Text Editor Plugins" which are developed in jQuery. But in this post, I will show you a Rich Text Editor plugin based on HTML 5 only. No jQuery is needed to use this plugin. WYSIHTML5 is an open source rich text editor based on HTML5 technology and […]
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