Archive for February, 2012

Playing with Array in jQuery

In last couple of days, I was playing with array in jQuery and I have already posted some articles related to arrays on my blog. But in this post, I have put together list of jQuery articles which are associated with various Array operations. So that you can bookmark/remember this single post and yet you […]
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How to combine/join arrays using jQuery

In this post, we will see that "how to join or combine arrays using jQuery". Earlier I had posted about jQuery solution to remove item from array, split an array and Find index of element in array, And In this post, find how to combine/join arrays with example. Below jQuery code joins the two arrays […]
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How to split an array using jQuery

In this post, we will see that "how to split an array using jQuery". Below jQuery code splits the array using jQuery. Earlier I had posted about jQuery solution to remove item from array, combine/join arrays and Find index of element in array, And In this post, find how split an array using jQuery with […]
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Remove Item from Array using jQuery

Today during my work, I came across a situation where I need to remove items from Array using jQuery. I did it using jQuery and thought of sharing with my you as well. Earlier I had posted about jQuery solution to Find index of element in array, split an array, combine/join arrays and remove duplicate […]
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Detect Android Devices/Phone using jQuery

Android and iPhone/iPad development is pretty hot and very much in demand. Below small piece of code will be useful to detect android devices (i.e. Android Phones & Android tablets) using jQuery. Related Post: Detect Apple Devices (iPad, iPhone, iPod) using jQuery Detect iPhone Version using jQuery $(document).ready(function(){ var isAndroid = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("android"); if(isAndroid > -1) […]
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Detect Apple Devices (iPad, iPhone, iPod) using jQuery

iPhone/iPad development is pretty hot and very much in demand. Below small piece of code will be useful to detect apple devices like iPhone, iPad and iPod using jQuery. Related Post: Detect iPhone Version using jQuery Detect Android Devices using jQuery $(document).ready(function(){ var isiPhone = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("iphone"); var isiPad = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("ipad"); var isiPod = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("ipod"); if(isiPhone […]
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